Methods for metal etching and engraving at home

Methods for metal etching and engraving at home
Pickling is a metal processing process in which a layer of a certain thickness is removed from the surface under the influence of active chemicals (acids or salts with an acidic reaction), as well as direct current in a bath with...
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Brief biography of Antoine Lavoisier

Brief biography of Antoine Lavoisier
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. His life and scientific activities Mikhail Alexandrovich Engelhardt Chapter III. Lavoisier's scientific activity “In this chapter we will have to unfold before the reader a picture full of greatness. In the quiet of the laboratory, provided...
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Spider - the most accurate signs and superstitions

Spider - the most accurate signs and superstitions
For centuries, signs about spiders have come to us from our ancestors. And now for many the spider is a mystical creature. In almost every film about witches and otherworldly forces you can see how they are added to potions and potions and used for...
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Cheese cracker with spices

Cheese cracker with spices
Crackers - dry and crispy cookies with holes - appeared as a result of a mistake by an English confectioner who overcooked biscuits in the oven. Slightly burnt cookies broke with a loud crack, so they were called crackers from the word crack, which...
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Rules for hyphenating words with a soft sign in the middle

Rules for hyphenating words with a soft sign in the middle
This summary is intended for conducting a group lesson with children in grade 3 with a speech conclusion “Systemic underdevelopment of speech.” The topic of the speech therapy lesson: “Soft sign at the end and in the middle of a word.” Goals: Correctional and educational: teach...
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