How to store furniture board?

How to store furniture board?
Here the other day, at the request of a good friend, I created such a shelf in the image and likeness of existing ones. Size approximately 270 by 200 mm, material - furniture board and a piece of pine board for the leg. Some people like these - it’s a trifle to put...
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Restaurants with children's rooms and entertainment

Restaurants with children's rooms and entertainment
Not every restaurant can be visited by the whole family; some establishments do not accept mischievous fidgets within their walls. Therefore, when organizing family leisure, the question often arises of where to go for lunch with the children. In this case, help
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How to glue a suction cup onto bathroom tiles

How to glue a suction cup onto bathroom tiles
We are so accustomed to a cell phone that we cannot live without it, let alone a day or an hour. He is with us everywhere: at home, on a walk, in the office, and, of course, in the car. The development of technology has allowed the once common means of communication to become both a navigator and...
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Porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles for pools

Porcelain tiles and ceramic tiles for pools
Many people are interested not only in tile adhesives, but also in ceramic tiles, especially for cladding pools and rooms with high humidity. We will discuss the most frequently asked questions about pool tiles and tile adhesive in this...
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