
How to plant white clover for your lawn. What are the pros and cons of a clover lawn? Clover lawn mowing

We prepared a lawn at our summer cottage, but we couldn’t decide which grass to choose for sowing. The selection criteria were influenced by many factors - small children who need a place to play and a green lawn for picnics.

We began to study information about what to choose instead of ordinary grass and when to sow clover. I ended up with a whole selection that I’m sharing.

A clover lawn is an excellent solution for children's playgrounds and recreation areas.

Gardeners about white clover

  1. Clover legume green manure. Clover belongs to the legume family and perfectly saturates the soil with nitrogen. It is winter-hardy, light-loving, and tolerates waterlogging well. It is sown to improve the soil structure and forms a dense green carpet.
  2. Propagated by seeds and shoots. Well adapted to various conditions. The seeds formed after flowering germinate well the next year. In addition to seed propagation, clover throws out shoots, which also take root and produce roots. Thanks to the shoots, it forms a dense and stable carpet that is resistant to trampling. Weeds cannot tolerate such proximity and die, so the lawn remains clean and uniform.
  3. Does not require maintenance. Due to its fairly strong root system, clover tolerates dry days well, but is responsive to fertilizing and timely watering. Recovers quickly after mowing. Blooms from June to September. It is a good honey plant.

Video: The video from Greensad tells how to use herbicides, what they are, what types there are. It is especially interesting that the expert admits that he is an opponent of herbicides. Advises the use of drugs only in extreme cases.

Clover lawn

Let's look at the features:

Lawn clover (Trifolium)


  • a small herbaceous plant of the legume family, with an unusual leaf shape of bright green color;
  • small spherical inflorescences are painted white, pink, crimson;
  • an unpretentious plant with a pleasant aroma, is an excellent honey plant.


  • prefers neutral and slightly acidic soils;
  • does not require frequent watering;
  • loves sunny meadows;
  • tolerates frost well;
  • blooms twice per season;
  • depending on the climate zone, flowering occurs in May-June and continues until September-October;
  • white creeping trefoil tolerates pruning well.


  • A young lawn blooms only in the second year.

The white trefoil spreads along the ground and does not require frequent trimming, unlike its red relative, which grows upward

Pros and cons of a clover lawn

Reference: The division of opinions between those who dream of a clover lawn and people trying to get rid of it is almost the same.


  • due to its decorative qualities it is an excellent background for rose gardens, alpine slides and flower beds;
  • suppresses weeds with its root system;
  • forms a dense juicy green mass;
  • does not require special care;
  • resistant to trampling;
  • enriches the soil with nitrogen;
  • prevents many diseases;
  • used to strengthen slopes;
  • when combined with red clover, it creates a beautiful landscape carpet.


  • rapid growth leads to suppression of other plants;
  • persistent moisture in the turf makes the carpet slippery;
  • Reliable fencing is required to prevent entry into cultivated beds;
  • faded flower stalks make the lawn untidy, which leads to additional cleaning.

Taking into account the positive and negative aspects, it is easier to decide on the choice of lawn grass

How to Plant White Clover for Your Lawn

Reference: There are more than 300 species of this plant, but the most popular is creeping clover (Trifolium repens). It grows in wild pastures and meadows.


  • sowing is carried out from April to June;
  • at a stable air temperature of 10-12 degrees;
  • dig up the area to the depth of a spade bayonet;
  • level with a rake, breaking up clods;
  • carry out sowing in a cross direction in two passes after 7 days;
  • roll the soil with a roller;
  • water the lawn;
  • mulch with a thin layer of peat;
  • Do not bury the seeds more than 2 cm, so as not to reduce germination.

The first flowering will be next year, which is better to cut off to strengthen the root system. This way you can get a lush and soft pillow of greenery

Planting and care

Reference: Clover does not need special care; it easily tolerates dry periods.


  • water by sprinkling once every two to three days in the evening;
  • resistant to trampling;
  • after the first flowering it is recommended to cut;
  • periodically clean with a rake from faded flower stalks and dry leaves;
  • before planting, enrich the soil with a potassium-phosphorus mixture;
  • for lushness, you can spray the lawn with boron fertilizer;
  • acidic soil should be treated with slaked lime, this will prevent the lawn from freezing.

It is good to arrange a clover lawn in the tree trunks of fruit trees. It has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system, protecting against various bacterial diseases

Instead of a regular lawn, you can always use ornamental grasses to create unusual natural landscapes on your site.

Choosing clover for the lawn

Type 1. Microclover (Trifolium repens)


  • the main feature of this grass is its lush greenery, regardless of the season;
  • the surface remains green in winter and summer;
  • it does not form bald spots, it is an excellent solution for arranging a playground or an evergreen lawn at home

Type 2. Low-growing variety Rivendell


  • such an emerald carpet looks good on local lawns, thickly covering the ground;
  • there is no need to cut it, just go over it with a rake for sanitary cleaning;
  • used more often in landscape design to create a dense lawn covering

Type 3. Decorative (Trifolium repens)


  • it is a mixture of white and red clover that is sown for landscape lawns;
  • a colored carpet looks great as a stand-alone lawn grass or used to shade decorative flower beds

Trefoil is highly decorative, which gives it an advantage for spreading in dacha and home areas.

What to remember

  1. To cut or not. White clover does not need to be trimmed, red clover grows upward, so it should be trimmed.
  2. To care or not. Shamrock lawn care is for the lazy. Thanks to its undemanding nature when it comes to watering and cutting.
  3. White or red. White is low-growing and creeping, red is taller and bushier, but when mixed they produce a picturesque and dense clover carpet.

Small-leaved clover, known as Microclover, is a professional revolutionary discovery of breeders.

This is a dwarf variety of creeping clover with small leaves and low plant height.

Indeed, this is the same variety sold under the Microclover brand. One of the shortest - up to 5 cm in height. Compared to other varieties of creeping clover, similar representatives of this species are significantly smaller in size.

It differs from a traditional lawn in its slow growth, wear resistance, drought resistance, and attractive appearance.


Compared to regular lawns, microclover is able to stay green all year round, and its incredible drought tolerance keeps your lawn looking fresh and lush even in hot, dry conditions.

Saturates the soil with nitrogen and tolerates low mowing (minimum height - 3-4 cm, maximum - 10-12 cm). The dense growth of microclover provides protection against weeds.

This miniature clover can be combined with any variety of lawn grasses or sown in its pure form. Slow growth, rich color and durability determine the attractive appearance of the lawn. This is very important, especially for frequently trampled areas where it is difficult to maintain high-quality coverage.


Withstands frequent mowing, resistant to trampling and other types of intense loads. No other type of clover is as tolerant of low mowing as microclover. This is ensured by the dense structure of microclover rhizomes. The resulting bald spots heal very quickly.

It is not demanding in care, constant fertilizing and watering. Requires a minimum level of care.

Clover blooms only in the second year, twice during the warm season - from May to October.

A good honey plant. With proper care, a clover lawn can not be updated for 7-8 years.

Seeding rate 8-10 g/sq.m.

Sowing can be carried out throughout the season, but it is advisable to complete the work before the end of August. After sowing, the seeds must be raked into the soil. Before emergence, crops are watered regularly.

Information from DLF TRIFOLIUM


DLF TRIFOLIUM is the world's largest producer and distributor of grass seeds. With subsidiaries in Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Great Britain, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, United States, China and New Zealand, and an extensive network of distributors and customers, the company can serve markets throughout the world.


DLF-TRIFOLIUM specializes in the selection of white clover for lawns. White clover in fine grass mixtures makes the lawn greener and healthier without adding nitrogen. Conventional forage varieties of white clover are not suitable for this purpose. They do not tolerate repeated mowing.

A new type of clover - Microclover, with very small leaves - is a breakthrough in creating a lawn that is friendly to the environment and tolerates low mowing.

Lawn revolution

Just like the players, sports pitches are always under a lot of pressure. Recent breakthroughs in breeding have eased this pressure. This revolution in sports turf is the small leaf clover, Microclover®, which is now being included in turf mixtures for its many benefits. Microclover® (Trifolium repens) is a legume species. Legumes are capable of fixing nitrogen from the air. Nitrogen fixation occurs due to nodule bacteria of the genus Rhizobium located on the roots.


The continuous process of dying and rotting of parts of the roots makes nitrogen available to surrounding grasses.

Microclover® has stolons, with the help of which it spreads evenly throughout the area. Adding just 5% Microclover® to the lawn mixture significantly improves the appearance of the entire field.

Growth conditions

Microclover® is suitable for most climates and soil conditions; it already grows successfully from Sweden to France and from Great Britain to Turkey. Microclover® is resistant to both wet conditions and shade, as well as drought.

However, it is unstable to long-term flooding of areas. The shade found in parks and golf courses is not a problem for Microclover®. In addition, with the help of stolons, the plant can regenerate after damage.

To maintain the Microclover® percentage in the lawn below 50%, a small amount of nitrogen is required in the spring and early summer. Nitrogen will stimulate the growth of cereal components.

Depending on growing conditions and load level, up to 100 kg/ha of nitrogen may be necessary, usually around 40 kg/ha of nitrogen is sufficient. Summer and autumn applications are not necessary.

Fertilizer application is especially important in the year of planting.

Since Microclover® does not fix phosphorus, potassium or magnesium from the atmosphere, the addition of these elements is necessary.

Wear resistance


The appearance of a lawn containing Microclover® is much better than that of a conventional lawn.

Clover constantly fertilizes the grass stand, which increases its wear resistance. In addition, it intertwines grasses with its stolons, distributing them evenly and incorporating its leaves into the grass stand. Microclover® improves the condition of even the most wear-resistant varieties.

Trials carried out at Bingley in 2004/05 show how Microclover® improves quality when added to the mix.

German test results (BSA) confirm excellent wear resistance.

Data shows that wear resistance improves even in resistant grains when Microclover® is added to the mixture (Micro-0 - grains only, Micro-1 and Micro-2 - two different varieties of Microclover® added to the same mixtures).

The improved durability of Microclover® turf is very important, especially in areas such as the goal area where the quality of the turf is difficult to maintain.


Consumers across Europe have confirmed these results and have increased the use of Microclover® in their fields.

In addition, the density of the stolon microstructure increases the resistance to mowing, making it possible to reduce the height of the mowing.

Belgium - sports fields

“I was mainly interested in reducing the amount of fertilizer and water used on sites. In the spring of 2007, we decided to sow half the field with Microclover® and half without,” says Mr. Frans Vercammen, field master at FC Genk (Belgium). “The first thing we noticed was the rapid establishment in half the field with Microclover®.

Within two months we could use it. There were also a lot less weeds on this half. The field has been intensively used since July 2007. The stability of the field is amazing.

Lawn mowing is easier with Microclover® and the results are always excellent. We soon decided to refurbish all of our pitches, especially in the goalkeeping area, not only on our junior training pitches, but also on the main playing pitch.”

Denmark - lawns

Landscape designers Mette and Lars Krogh recently set up their business on the Zealand peninsula in Denmark. There are seven employees on staff and all of them work mainly with private clients. But often the company takes out landscaping contracts from large clients.

It will be easier for our customers to maintain as it requires less irrigation and fertilization compared to conventional lawns without Microclover®.”

Netherlands - park

Menno van de Bos works for Krinkels in the Netherlands and is responsible for all the lawns at the famous Vondelpark in Amsterdam. “We started working with Microclover® in 2006. The lawns in the Vondelpark are used intensively and Microclover® really improves their durability.

Even two years after overseeding with Microclover®, they look fresher and greener than other lawns. At the same time, they need less fertilizer and caring for them is generally easier and safer for nature. This is a good product, especially when high wear resistance is required.”

Growing in a mixture with cereal grasses, Microclover® provides them with nitrogen. Nitrogen enters the soil throughout the growing season until the onset of the first night frosts. Therefore, nitrogen is available where and when it is needed, and there is no risk to the soil or threat of plant damage.


The presence of Microclover® is equivalent to the application of up to 180 kg of nitrogen per hectare per year. For the lawn, Microclover® is an excellent constant supplier of nitrogen. In addition, Microclover® is an aggressive species that quickly fills in damaged areas of the lawn.

It successfully competes with weeds, which reduces the need for herbicides. Herbicides should generally be avoided as they can harm Microclover®. Since nitrogen is always available during the season, the incidence of red thread, rust and fusarium is reduced. Microclover® fertilizes grasses and helps maintain a healthy lawn.


In addition to being wear-resistant and environmentally friendly, Microclover® is also very economical. The price of a mixture with Microclover® easily pays for itself within a year after sowing, as the costs of fertilizers and their application, weed control, mowing and irrigation are reduced. Better results for less money.

Better appearance

Clover stays green significantly longer than grasses in both drought and cold conditions.


Herbage with Microclover® turns green earlier, has rich color in summer, and is especially drought-resistant due to its deep root system. Regular white clover is not suitable for lawn use, but Microclover® has such small leaves (a third the size of the regular variety) and short stems that from a distance of two meters it looks like a regular grass.

In shaded areas, Microclover® thrives even with little light during the day. Microclover® spreads evenly throughout the area. It doesn't look mottled or clogged like regular white clover.

- increases wear resistance
- environmentally friendly
- profitable
- easier care
- improves the appearance of the lawn
- excellent results

Shamrock lawns are quite popular today. A perennial plant of the legume family, with original emerald leaves and small spherical flowers, it looks very tender and cute, you just want to sow a half-plot with it. In addition, it does not need to be additionally planted and sown all the time, like other grass: thanks to creeping rooting shoots, the plant grows independently and quickly fills bald spots on the lawn.

White clover likes loamy and sandy loam soils, neutral or slightly acidic, and does not need abundant watering. Moreover, shading and excessive humidity can be disastrous for it. Flowers on the plant usually appear in the second year, but the lawn will bloom with dwarf fluffy flowers twice a season: from May to August the first wave of abundant flowering is observed (after which the lawn needs to be mowed), and from August to October - the second.

White clover for the lawn. Photo by FRUMHOUSE.

Which clover is best for the lawn?

Which clover is better, white or red, which varieties are suitable for the lawn and which are not... Agricultural scientists have long answered these questions. About 70 species of trefoil grow on the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union. Of these, only low-growing white clover is used to create a lawn; other varieties are not suitable. Unlike pink or red clover, mowing white clover will not leave unsightly bare clover stems.

How to Seed a White Clover Lawn

In the vicinity of Moscow and other regions with less mild climates, white clover should be sown on the lawn no later than the third ten days of August - so that the plant has time to take root well before the onset of cold weather. For a lawn, you can use the seed of one trefoil or a mixture of it with other plants, with cereals, etc. However, such a “carpet” needs special care: so that the trefoil does not choke out other plants, their growth is stimulated with mineral fertilizers.

Low-growing clover goes well with individual shrubs and trees, as well as with brightly colored flowers, red poppies, lupins, etc. When forming flower arrangements, clover should be planted in separate groups, isolated from other plants.
The best answer to the question of how to plant white clover is.

Low growing clover for lawn: arguments "FOR"

White clover for the lawn is good for those who want to free themselves from careful care. The plant is less moisture-loving than fescue or bluegrass; it is recommended to plant it in lighted places where ordinary lawn grass does not grow well. Trefoil is highly resistant to trampling, and therefore the “white curly carpet” can be used as a lawn for children’s games.

White clover, lawn. Photo by Forumhouse.

In addition to being highly decorative, white lawn clover has a number of other advantages:

  • It is enough to plant once, and it forms a thick and long-lasting lawn, which quickly recovers after mowing, but it is better to cut it not with a lawn mower, but with a trimmer;
  • keeps fresh, healthy greens until late autumn;
  • increases the resistance of other plants, especially cereals (ryegrass) to various diseases;
  • resistant to weeds, therefore - the most necessary option for those who do not like weeding;
  • you can grow such a lawn without significant expenses for its maintenance;
  • Thanks to root tubers containing bacteria, clover, like a lawn grass, increases the fertility of the soil in the area, enriching it with nitrogen.

Clover lawn does not tolerate nitrogen fertilizers. Be careful when purchasing complex fertilizers containing elements of the nitrogen group (ammonium chloride and nitrate, sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate): they can be detrimental to the crop, causing an overdose of nitrogen. It is better to use potassium-phosphorus supplements occasionally, no more than once every two months.

Low-growing white clover for the lawn: cons

As Sodmaster notes, all summer residents are divided into those who want to sow shamrock, and those who dream of getting rid of it. If you want to sow a living white carpet, and you even bought grass with clover for the lawn, think twice - the following difficulties may arise:

  • To make the lawn pleasing to the eye, you need to remove fading flower heads in a timely manner;
  • lawn white clover takes a long time to dry out after rain; in wet weather, the grass becomes slippery, and therefore it is better not to use it in outdoor areas;
  • creeping clover is an aggressive plant: it quickly crawls along the ground to other flower beds, it is easier to grow than to get rid of;
  • There is a belief, even a belief, that clover lawns are not mowed. But the answer to the question “should you mow clover” is yes; and since clover grass is juicy and soft, you will have to frequently clean the lawn mower (blades and bottom);
  • the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases and freezing;
  • root tubers attract wireworms - worm-like larvae of click beetles that cause great harm to garden and field crops;
  • Clover is the herbal champion among honey plants: it attracts bumblebees and bees every day. It is better not to walk on such a lawn barefoot and it is advisable to mow it more often.

To keep your white clover lawn looking neat, forum members recommend cutting it frequently—about once every two weeks. However, if you are happy with a wilder, more “clovery” look, you can mow it a couple of times a season. Clover is low-growing, and the optimal cutting height is 3-4 cm.

When choosing creeping white clover for your lawn, consult. If someone and you cannot figure out who, send a photo of the object and they will help you. Read how to sow correctly.

Editor Lawn and soil 22794

A clover lawn is a godsend for large areas. In places where yesterday weeds were rampant and bare earth looked inhospitably, a soft, lush carpet will bloom. Many gardeners, when talking about clover, prefer to replace the concept of lawn with lawn or meadow.

The perennial grass belongs to the legume family. It looks very cute thanks to the small pompom flowers against the background of emerald patterned leaves. In the stage of an adult developed plant, it quickly spreads and covers the entire available area. More than 300 varieties are known. For home plantings, choose one low-growing species.

The second name is trefoil. This definition in Latin means the presence of three leaves. Finding four leaves was considered a happy omen. However, varieties have now been bred in which all leaves are quadruple. The main purpose of the crop is food for herbivores. Contains a lot of nutrients. It is grown and harvested in agriculture.

Main types

About 20 varieties are used in landscape design. They differ in height, color and decorative value. Used to create a flowering carpet on lawns and lawns. They look good among the stones of an alpine hill and rockery.

To avoid disappointment, you need to know in detail about the variety you are going to purchase.

meadow clover

Common wild species. The flowers are pink or reddish. Spreads across meadows, fields, mountains. Unpretentious and tenacious.

White clover (creeping)

The perennial plant is a creeping species. Spreads along the ground, stem length up to 40 cm. Leaves are round, triple. Tolerates trampling, frost, and drought. Blooms with white balls. A white clover lawn rises 10 cm from the ground, but in the wild it can grow up to 30.

Variety Atropurpurea

Artificially bred decorative appearance. The leaves are dark purple. The edge seems to be outlined with a green pencil. Loves sunny places. It is under the influence of bright light that it acquires its color. In the shade it will turn green and lose its originality. Leaves of three and four blades.

Variety Purpurascens

Designed for decorative flower beds. Four-leaved. Brown-red paint seemed to flow on each leaf, leaving the edges and veins a rich green. Quickly takes over the entire surrounding space.

Variety Good Luck

Interesting color of four leaves. In the center there is a brown spot with jagged edges and light brown streaks. Most of the leaf is green with light green veins.

Blooms with pink and white balls. In terms of vitality, it is superior to the meadow variety. Unpretentious to high soil acidity. Loves moisture. The period of active flowering is from early summer to autumn. There are three leaves per stem.

Red clover

This is a bush up to 60 cm tall. The inflorescences are elongated, large, raspberry-red. The leaves are large, three-fingered. It begins to bloom continuously from the beginning of July. It spreads better by seeds. When you try to divide the bush, a fifth of it takes root. Wild species are protected by law.

Conditions for a flowering carpet

Since wild shamrock is very tenacious, its cultivated brothers do not require special conditions.

Soil with neutral or weak acidity is preferable. Reacts well to fertilizers. Enriches the soil after cereals. It spreads better over loamy and sandy soil.

The sun is always a priority. In shaded areas, it is more susceptible to fungus and gets sick.

The plant really needs moisture. It is the combination of sun and humidity that promote flowering, propagation, and restoration. However, excess attracts slugs and snails. The roots begin to rot.

Weeds must be removed at the beginning of the lawn colonization. In the second year, the shamrock will get rid of itself, leaving them no chance. If clover is left out of control, it will itself become a fast-spreading weed.

Reproduction. Seeds must be collected from biennial plants. Choose large, dry heads. Dry them in a shaded place for a week, then you can put them away for storage. Sow to a depth of 3 cm.


Shamrock is a very nutritious plant and loves to be treated the same way. Before you sow it, you need to think about fertilizers:

  • organic fertilizers (manure) are applied only in the fall for digging;
  • fertilizer with a phosphorus-potassium composition is added to the clover lawn; further, no more than once every two months;
  • on podzolic soils it is necessary to spray the green mass at the beginning of flowering with boron fertilizers;
  • All fertilizers with nitrogen additives should be excluded; Clover itself accumulates nitrogen and cannot tolerate its overdose.

Completely unnecessary: ​​calcium nitrate, ammonium nitrate; sodium nitrate; ammonium chloride.


The best time is the end of summer. The plant will take root and grow well before frost. The soil is completely cleared of weeds. Fertilizers are applied as necessary. Then it is carefully compacted. Seeds are scattered like lawn grass. Embedded in the soil up to three centimeters.

Combination with other plants

On the ground, the shamrock behaves aggressively. He is an invader of new territories. If you plan to combine its sowing with other plants, then you need to stimulate their growth with mineral fertilizers.

Looks great under bushes and trees. When planting different varieties in a flower garden, it is better to isolate them with a small border.

A haircut

Often, after mowing, a clover lawn is disappointing with dry stems and uneven color, but after a couple of days the appearance is restored. Unattractiveness is characteristic of the pink shamrock. The cropped white look looks like a neat green rug.

No careful care required. For cutting, it is better to use a trimmer or a gasoline lawn mower. The cover is too dense for the lawnmower. The result is wavy and ugly.

It is enough to cut the white variety once every half month. For wild-looking meadows, treatment twice a season is sufficient. You should get rid of 4 cm of the top layer.


Lawn clover reveals its beauty in its second year. Fluffy pom-poms will appear in friendly rows from late spring and throughout the summer. Then, it is recommended to mow the first wave. September, October the second wave of flowering will begin.

Why is it worth decorating your area with cute lambs?

The most important advantage is the beauty and freshness of a soft carpet. But there are also advantages:

  • soil fertility increases; it is saturated with nitrogen;
  • proximity to the crop strengthens the resistance of neighboring plants to diseases; especially favorable for cereals;
  • bright juicy greenery pleases the eye until late autumn;
  • lawn maintenance costs are minimal;
  • quickly restores a thick and dense cover after mowing;
  • resistant to trampling;
  • performs well where ordinary lawn grass does not grow;
  • Mown shamrock works great as mulch.

What kind of trouble can clover cause?

It is imperative to consider the disadvantages of trefoil carpets:

  • fading brown heads must be removed periodically;
  • after rain, the lawn takes a long time to dry out due to its dense structure;
  • high air humidity makes the surface slippery; especially dangerous on slopes;
  • the plant crawls to other flower beds and new territories; it is difficult to get rid of it;
  • due to the tight closure of the leaves, the layer at the roots is constantly wet; fungal infections spread quickly;
  • nitrogen-containing nodules attract harmful insects, click beetles;
  • fragrant flowers delight not only people, but also bees; there are always enough of them above the flowering carpet; It is advisable to plant the crop in the garden, then there will be enough insects for pollination;
  • if you cut with a lawn mower, you will have to clean it often; it is filled with juicy greens.

A lawn of blooming, lush grass is just what you need for those who like to enjoy greenery without getting overtired. Little effort. The result is long-lasting, bright and impressive.