
A bush with lilac flowers like bells. Bells: types and care

The flowers, familiar to everyone since childhood, owe their name to their external resemblance to miniature bells. Even in Latin they are officially called “Campanula” - bell. We also often affectionately call them bells, chenilles, and chebotki. Like many flowers, they are sung in beautiful legends.

According to one of them, the first church bell was created in the image of this tender, fragile gift of nature. It was after their quiet ringing was heard after the wind blew that the priest ordered a copper mold to be cast for the temple in the image and likeness of a flower. Even today there is a belief that their quiet crystal ringing can be heard on Ivan Kupala. Another legend tells about the growth of bells on the site of the scattered fragments of the mirror of the goddess Venus.

Many peoples perceive the bell as a good talisman, capable of driving away all evil spirits with its ringing. It is considered a symbol of faith, joy, openness, increase in wisdom, and harmony between Man and Heaven.

There is a sign that bells dream of good news, good changes in your personal life, and a warning against rash actions. And the enthusiastic praise of this flower by poets and artists deserves a separate discussion.

The desire to get an armful of bells is indomitable, but the picked bells quickly fade... In order to admire them for a long time, it is better to grow them in nature or in your apartment. We invite you to get acquainted with the characteristics of flowers and methods of growing them more specifically.

Description of the flower

The bellflower family of the herbaceous genus has more than 300 species. They grow in the temperate climates of Europe, Asia, the Caucasus, Siberia, and North America. They can be seen in the steppes, meadows, mountains, on rocks, and desert areas.

The shape of flowers up to 7 cm long resembles inverted glasses, bells with edges that curve outward. Their surface can be smooth or terry with a variety of colors (white, blue, purple, pink).

Along with racemose, paniculate inflorescences, there are also solitary flowers. Their ripe fruits look like a box with up to 6 slot-like holes.

Until recently, most bluebells were garden flowers, with the exception of indoor even-leaved flowers. Their varieties Alba and Mayi with white and light blue flowers are called bride and groom.

However, today other low-growing, compact terry plants have appeared, which are grown not only in open ground, but also indoors.

They are divided into a significant number of species and subspecies, hybrids. The main criteria for classification as a particular species or variety are the height and timing of growth of these flowers.

Due to the different heights of straight, stiff-haired stems with alternate leaves and bell-shaped flowers, the following types are distinguished:

  • short (from 6 to 20 cm)
  • medium height (up to 1 m)
  • tall (more than 1 m).

Along with these characteristics, the entire number of flowers is divided, first of all, according to the timing of their growth: one- and two-year-old, perennial. To choose the right option among the many varieties of Campanula, let's look at the most popular of them among our gardeners.

  1. Annuals bells came to us from the southern regions. In places with cool and temperate climates they are less common.

Among them there are plants of both low and medium height. Here the most popular plant is the eponymous bellflower, low-growing, forked (dichotomous), Kashmiri. Due to their small growth, the flowers look great near borders and on rock gardens.

The short guy never tires of winning over his fans California bluebell(Phacelia bell-shaped) with dark shades of flowers. It is cultivated mainly for decorating slides, borders, container groups, etc.

Medium-growing summer varieties are also very popular in our area: long-columnar and, as if in memory of an ancient legend, the Mirror of Venus. Despite their short lifespan, their numerous flowers from May to early autumn delight with their various colors.

  1. Two-year-olds The most common flowers are “natives” from the subalpine zone of the Mediterranean, the Adriatic, Asia Minor and even Siberia. Having grown up in their native climate, they take root well in our country under similar conditions. These include low-growing bearded bluebells.

Among the medium-growing ones, Campanula Medium (medium) can be called a favorite. It has been known since the end of the 16th century and is prone to natural renewal, which is why it is sometimes grown as a perennial option.

Campanula medium Campanula medium

This species has several varieties, where it enjoys special sympathy among many gardeners. Cup and saucer.

This plant is interesting for its flowers like a cup with gracefully curved edges and a thin porcelain saucer. The beauty is collected in a large inflorescence, which can accommodate about 50 bells with a diameter of up to 8 cm and a wide color palette.

Along with them, varieties of coarse-haired, Hoffman, thyrsus-shaped, and spicate bells are also popular. In many gardens, such biennials are grown as: Siberian, Moesian, laurel, spatulate, divergent, spreading, pyramidal, Sartori, Formateca, etc.

  1. Perennial species are found much more often than those growing for 1-2 years. They are also divided into subgroups depending on the height of the plant.

Among short species, the leader in prevalence is occupied by the Carpathian bell, born in the mountains of Central Europe. It has been known in floriculture for about 250 years. The plant barely reaches 30 cm and has stems with densely arranged leaves. However, it is short-lived, because it lives in one place for no more than three years.

Its most famous garden forms are Alba and White Star with snow-white single funnel-shaped flowers. These are also Isabel, Celestina, Blaumeize, Riverslea, Centon Joy, Karpatenkrone with sky blue, blue, purple flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm. And if these varieties are more adapted to open spaces, then the miniature Klip can also be grown as an indoor crop.

Popular low-growing bells also include varieties Gargan, spiral-leaved (spoon-leaved), birch-leaved, daisy-leaved, Ortana, Radde, three-toothed, Shamisso, Uemura and many others.

Medium height perennials are represented by Takeshima and Komarov bells, dotted with numerous stems, simple and double flowers of various colors and sizes. Here the best varieties are considered to be Beautyful Trust, Wedding Bells, Alba-nana, Rubra.

BELL TAKESHIMA "Beautiful Trust"

It is worth paying attention to the hardy Platycodon, which is often called broadleaf. It is notable for its luxurious double large flowers of various colors. Its best varieties are Album, Nanum, Marisil, Pleno Alba and a number of others.

Among this subgroup, the most popular medium bell with double flowers should again be mentioned. It is very unpretentious, cold-resistant, but loves bright places with moist soil. Its lifespan can be long due to self-seeding (natural renewal). In warm regions, Campanula Medium opens its buds even in the first year of planting seeds.

Tall perennials grow in their natural environment along river banks and in the forests of Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Siberia, and Asia Minor. Varieties have been bred in the culture, the names of which indicate the characteristics of the leaves.

They differ not only in the height of the stem, but in the richer aroma of the flowers. Some names focus attention on the color of the flower, for example, milky (Cerulea, Pritchard Verajeti).

This category also includes noble-flowered, Bolognese, nettle-leaved with double flowers, crowded, rapunzel-shaped bells. Along with them, peach leaves are very popular (Bernice, Tetham Beauty, Exmouth, Snowdrift, New Giant Hybrids).

This far from complete review allows you to get an idea of ​​the wide selection of bells for growing on your property, balcony, or room.

Growing from seeds

This method is the most universal, and the only one for annual bells. It can also be successfully used for biennials and perennials, except for varieties with double flowers. The exclusion of the latter is explained by the fact that the seedlings are not able to retain these characteristics or the seeds may not set.

Preparing seeds and soil does not involve the use of complex agricultural techniques. Bell seeds do not require preliminary preparation for sowing. Regarding the soil, some plant varieties are well adapted to calcareous, rocky places. However, most varieties of bluebells are suitable for neutral/slightly alkaline soil, well-drained loam.

Preparing the soil chosen for planting flowers involves deep digging. For heavy soil, sand or humus is added, and depleted areas are enriched with humus and fertilizers. At the same time, in order to avoid the risk of fungal diseases, you should not use fresh peat or manure that has not completely rotted.

Using the seed method for growing seedlings allows you to see flowers already in the first year after planting.

  • To do this, small seeds are sown in containers with soil prepared in advance from March.
  • At the same time, they are lightly pressed with the palm of your hand, and not sprinkled with earth.
  • The substrate must be light, loose, permeable and pre-moistened.
  • This is achieved by mixing turf soil, humus coarse sand in a ratio of 6x3x1.

After sowing, the contents of the container are sprayed with water, covered with film and placed in a warm place up to +20 ºC. After 15-20 days, shoots appear, seedlings are transferred to a place where direct rays of the sun do not reach.

Here, traditional care for seedlings of many flowers is carried out without covering with film. This is watering when the top layer of the substrate dries, careful loosening around the young shoots.

When the first true leaves appear, after 20-24 days, diving is carried out into separate containers at a distance of at least 10 cm. After this, after 2 weeks, the shoots should be fed with a liquid, weakly concentrated complex fertilizer.

Sowing seeds directly into open ground is done before winter in the 2nd half of October or in spring (end of May). When sowing in autumn, the natural selection of full-fledged seeds will take place in the winter, and the strongest of them will sprout together in the spring. These seedlings can be used for planting in the chosen location.

May sowing requires stratification lasting 2 months. However, this somewhat lengthens the path from seed germination to flowering plants.

It should be taken into account that bells sown in this way are used for the first year to develop roots and leaf rosettes. Only in the second year of life do they grow shoots with flower ovaries.

Grown seedlings are planted in open ground from the end of May to the end of the first ten days of June. When choosing a location on a site, you should give preference to light or slightly shaded areas without drafts. It is advisable to place the bells away from trees and bushes to obtain sufficient nutrition and moisture.

When planting low-growing seedlings, the distance between flowers should be up to 15 cm, medium-growing - up to 30 cm, tall - up to 50 cm. Upon completion of planting, the soil near future bells is carefully compacted and well moistened.

To preserve moisture and prevent the appearance of weeds, the row spaces can be mulched. Gardeners note that thanks to seedlings, you can admire flowers already in the first year of their earthly life.

Bell Raspberry ringing

One of the attractive qualities of bluebells is their ease of care. It consists of regular watering during hot weather, further loosening the soil around the flowers, and removing weeds. Tall varieties will need staking or securing to supports.

  • Fertilizing is carried out in the spring with nitrogen fertilizer to increase the vegetative mass and earlier flowering.
  • During budding in early summer, phosphorus or complex additives are needed.
  • In autumn, potassium fertilizers are applied to increase the winter hardiness of the plant.
  • If a particular variety prefers the soil to an alkaline, neutral reaction, it is important to reduce the existing acidity with the help of ash.
  • In summer, moderate application of rotted humus is suitable.

In order to extend the flowering time, it is necessary to remove fading inflorescences. At the same time, all faded shoots of tall varieties are cut off. If you plan to collect seeds, then browned, but not yet opened, boxes are left on the plant.

How to collect seeds

For long-term cultivation of your favorite bells, seeds are collected from mid-August to the end of September. It is noteworthy that 1 g contains up to 5,000 small, light seeds.

Harvesting begins after the boxes turn brown and are about to open. Pre-cut inflorescences should be placed on thick paper or canvas in a dry, well-ventilated room.

Clean the crumbled seeds from the remains of bolls and dried leaves, and then use them for growing seedlings or in open ground.

In case of delay in timely collection, they are allowed to fall on the ground. Due to self-seeding, the cycle of seed convergence will be repeated without additional stratification and all the processes of growing bells.

Among the many advantages of bells is their resistance to pests and diseases. These undesirable phenomena can occur when flowers are grown in one place for a long time. Indeed, in this case, the soil accumulates various harmful microorganisms.

And their constant presence in contact with plants provokes disastrous consequences for them. Treatment of flowers with a weak solution of Fundazol helps to avoid such negative phenomena.

Excessive humidity can favor the appearance of slugs. Here, an effective means of control can be spraying the plants with a decoction of hot pepper or superphosphate granules sprinkled between the flowers.

Along with the seed seedling method, there are other options, the use of which depends on the biological characteristics of the variety and plant type. So, if one-year-old bells reproduce by seeds, then two-year-old bells prefer vegetative ones (by seeds and cuttings).

Species of perennials with taproot and carpal root systems are considered vegetatively immobile and can reproduce by their seeds. Plants with creeping long roots, classified as vegetatively mobile species, tolerate all these methods + bush division well.

However, it is better to propagate perennial flowers:

  • parts of rhizomes,
  • root cuttings,
  • stolons,
  • dividing the bush.

Despite the possibility of seed reproduction, these species lose their generic characteristics. This is especially reflected in double varieties, which even lose their ability to produce seeds.

With the vegetative method, cuttings are prepared in the spring. From early March to mid-April, they are cut from young basal or stem shoots. Then they are planted in a loose substrate and placed in microgreenhouses, under a film to maintain optimal humidity. Within a month, the cuttings begin to grow roots, after the development of which, you can begin planting the plant.

The use of propagation by dividing the bush is permissible after 2-3 years of plant life. To do this, in May-June, a large bush is selected, dug up, and the above-ground stems are cut off.

Dividing the bush into parts is carried out with a sterile, sharp garden knife. Each part must contain developed healthy roots and renewal buds. The cutting areas of each cutting are treated with crushed coal or ash, and then immediately planted in abundantly watered soil.

When propagating rhizomes in parts, only the creeping part is dug up, from which cuttings from the mother plant with renewal buds are made. They are planted in the ground with an open bud above the soil surface.

Bluebells bloom twice: video

Thanks to the varieties of flowers, their growth, and multicoloredness, these plants provide a wide field for imagination when decorating the landscape. They can be used as spectacular accents on lawns, flower beds, and edgings. Bells are indispensable when creating constantly blooming compositions.

The bell is suitable for both flower beds with perennial flowers and well-groomed green lawns. In landscape-type compositions, it perfectly coexists not only with its “brothers” - bells, but also with other flowers. These are spectacular roses, colorful phlox, unique adenophora and gypsophila.

Due to the long-lasting decorativeness of flowering, it looks organically with common cosmos, hollyhocks, calendula, carnations, black-browns, ferns, hosta, etc.

The harmony of flowers from different varieties, species with each other, and other representatives of the fauna deserves special consideration. The main thing is that the bell allows every gardener to show their talents as a landscape designer.

Garden bells, Platycodon: video

The bell flower blooms attractively and for a long time, thanks to which it has become widespread in garden cultivation. Despite their rather simple structure, any bell-like flowers are actively used in landscape decoration.

Bellflower: what the flower looks like and its botanical description

The Latin name is Campanula. Belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants and the family Campanulaceae from the dicotyledonous class. Under natural conditions it grows in the Caucasus and Siberia, Asia and Europe. Information on the habitat is very extensive, as is the distribution area.

Field and meadow species are distributed almost everywhere in our country. The plant also inhabits alpine, desert and rocky areas, as well as mountain belts. Perennial herbs have entire alternate leaves, as well as a bell-shaped blue or purple corolla. Some varieties bloom producing purple or white flowers. The seeds are formed in a box-shaped fruit.

Description of popular types of bells (perennial garden campanula)

In total, today there are about four hundred different species, which may differ slightly in their main external characteristics. However, the most popular indoor and garden crops are not so numerous.

The ampelous culture has thin shoots, rounded and finely toothed leaves. The base of the shoot is heart-shaped. Flowers of light blue color are formed in spring or summer.

Photo gallery

Bellflower peach

Campanula persicifolia is a herbaceous perennial with a spindle-shaped, oblique, fibrous root and an erect, simple, sparsely branched, glabrous, slightly ribbed stem part. The foliage is alternate, narrow, linear or lanceolate, dark green and shiny. Blue, blue-violet or light purple flowers are located on short stalks and collected in a one-sided apical inflorescence. The period of mass flowering occurs in mid-summer.

A herbaceous plant no more than 25-30 cm high, with thin and hanging shoots. Most often it is grown as an ampel crop in pots. The foliage is green, round in shape, slightly carved at the edges, located on long cuttings. The flowers are numerous, up to 40 mm in diameter, white and blue.

Campanula latifolia

Campanula latifolia is a herbaceous crop up to 1.2 in height with a powerful and well-developed rhizome and spindle-shaped thickened lateral roots. The stem part is bare, cylindrical, with oblong-ovate foliage, characterized by sparse and soft, bilateral pubescence. Racemose inflorescences are represented by large, purple flowers. After flowering, capsule fruits with ovoid light brown seeds are formed.

The perennial is distinguished by a thin stem part no more than 25-30 cm high. The stem part is without foliage. The shoots are bush-shaped, up to 30 cm in diameter. The foliage is ovoid. The flowers are funnel-shaped, medium-sized, up to 50 mm in diameter, blue, purple or white. Flowering is long and abundant.

Decorative perennial with straight and well-leafed, branched stems up to one and a half meters high. It has a taproot system. The upper foliage is sessile, ovate-oblong, double-toothed. The lower leaves are located on short petioles. Large racemose inflorescences are represented by fragrant milky-white flowers, up to 40 mm in diameter.

Portenschlag's bell is one of the most popular species among amateur gardeners, which does not require special care and is distinguished by its high decorative properties. A very common perennial crop, it has heart-shaped foliage with characteristic jagged edges. It blooms for a long time, from May to September.

Bell dotted

Campanula punstata is a perennial crop with a rather thin and fibrous rhizome. The stem part is erect, slightly more than half a meter high, pubescent, simple, paniculate-branched in the upper part, rough and cylindrical. The foliage is hairy, paler at the bottom. The leaves are numerous.

The basal ovoid foliage is characterized by the presence of red hairy petioles. Stem foliage with short petioles or sessile type, ovate in shape. The flowers are large in size, drooping, located on long stalks, with pubescence. Flowering is abundant and occurs in mid-summer.

Double bell is a very widespread variety of decorative crop in home gardening. It is a variety of Capmanula equifolia. The hybrid form was obtained by crossing the Carpathian species (C.carpatica) with the spoon-leaved species (C.cochlearifolia). The bush-like plant is strewn with double flowers of different colors. The shades of the petals can vary from white to purple. The stem part is thin and flexible, with numerous carved leaves.

Other varieties

There are others, less common, but no less attractive varieties of decorative bells:

  • hybrid form "Sarastro" with a bush height of 40-60 cm and a width of no more than 30-45 cm. A fairly compact crop is distinguished by large, numerous flowers of bright purple color. There is no need to tie up strong flower stalks;
  • the pyramidal species is known to many under the name "Venus Belt". This perennial plant, up to one and a half meters high, has a smooth and hairless stem part with green foliage and numerous flowers;
  • variety "Bernise" It is distinguished by strongly double flowers with an interesting and quite intense color. The height and width of the bush does not exceed half a meter. The flowers are a rich lilac color with petals that very effectively bend on the outside, towards the stem. The flower stalks are durable, and the carved dark green leaves have a slightly rough surface;

Bells: varieties (video)

  • variety "Pozharsky"– the plant is very unpretentious, blooms profusely and for a long time, and is relatively tall. The above-ground part is represented by long shoots. The flowers are numerous, star-shaped;
  • variety "Thyrsoid" or "Spike" often used in bouquets and is characterized by an erect, powerful, simple, grooved, reddish, densely and short bristly-hairy stem. The basal foliage gathers into a dense and lying rosette. The stem leaves are very closely spaced, numerous, linear-lanceolate, pointed and entire. The flowers are numerous, sessile, collected in dense, cylindrical or pyramidal-shaped spikes no more than a quarter of a meter high;
  • variety "Pantaloons" refers to perennial plants with an aboveground part no more than half a meter high. A distinctive feature is represented by double flowers of quite large sizes;

  • Caucasian variety "Sarmatian" little-known, but very highly decorative. Grows up to 0.4 m or a little more. Numerous attractive flowers have a very delicate honey scent;
  • bell(C.saxifrāga) is a compact herbaceous plant with a height of the aboveground part of no more than 50 mm, slightly pubescent, serrated leaves and bell-shaped flowers of a dark bluish-violet hue;
  • variety "Long-columnar"– the plant has an average height, no more than 30 cm in height. The leaves are very attractive heart-shaped. The flowers form a long and narrow, spike-shaped raceme, of a dense bluish-purple or deep blue color. Flowering occurs from May to the end of June. The culture is widely used in the design of rocky hills, and is also planted on borders and used for cutting to make miniature bouquets.

Features of growing bells (video)

Also very well known to flower growers "Chilean bell" or Lapageria with axillary single flowers and wire-like, bluish-green, highly branched branches up to ten meters high. The crowded bell or Freya plant also looks very beautiful.

Growing bells from seeds: technology and timing

The seed material of bells does not need to provide mandatory preliminary pre-sowing preparation. Seeds can be sown directly in flower beds in open ground around May or October. However, to obtain abundant and lush flowering in the year of sowing, it is recommended to grow the decorative perennial crop using the standard seedling method. For this purpose, the seeds are sown in March in planting containers filled with loose and nutritious, permeable soil mixture.

The best nutritious planting substrate based on humus and turf soil, as well as coarse-grained clean sand, mixed in a ratio of 3:6:1, has proven itself. The seed material is lightly pressed against the surface of well-moistened soil. Crops must be covered with transparent plastic film to create a greenhouse effect. Under temperature conditions of 18-20ºC and regular spraying, mass shoots appear in about a couple of weeks.

After the emergence of mass shoots, remove the film cover and place the container with seedling material in a bright and warm place, which must be protected from direct sunlight. Standard care for flower seedlings consists of regular watering with settled water at room temperature, as well as shallow loosening of the soil.

After the first true leaves appear, Seedlings of decorative crops need to be picked into separate seedling pots with a diameter of 10-12 cm. About a couple of weeks after diving, it is recommended to feed the flower seedlings with a special solution based on complex fertilizer.

Planting of seedlings in a permanent place is carried out in the last ten days of May or at the very beginning of summer. A significant part of the varieties belongs to the category of very light-loving ornamental perennials, Therefore, for planting you need to choose areas well lit by sunlight. The composition of the soil suitable for growing crops may also vary depending on the species and varietal characteristics.

Pre-planting preparation for heavy soils involves the addition of sand and humus, and for areas depleted of nutrients it is necessary to apply turf soil and basic fertilizers. It is strictly forbidden to introduce fresh manure and large amounts of peat during the digging process., since in this case the risk of damage to the ornamental perennial by fungal infections increases significantly.

Caring for a beautifully flowering plant is not difficult even for novice amateur gardeners. It is enough to systematically carry out irrigation measures, regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds, and also provide double fertilizing with basic complex fertilizers.

How to care for bluebells (video)

Garden bell is a favorite flowering plant not only for children, but also for many adults. This very unpretentious and decorative crop is perfect not only for decorating the local area, but has also been grown with great success in indoor floriculture for many years.

In the language of florists, the bell sounds quite unusual - “Campanula”. This name comes from the Latin and Italian word "campana", which means "bell". This is exactly the shape of the bell's corolla. This explains why it is known in our country under this name, which is officially enshrined in the domestic botanical nomenclature.

Throughout history, bells have been treated with love in Russia. This is once again proven by the affectionate names that were used when mentioning campanula in different places: pichuzhnitsy, chebotki, bells, chenilles... And, if you believe the old belief, a person can hear the ringing of a bell only once a year - on the magical night before Ivan Kupala .


The perennial bell plant develops a simple or branched stem of small size, reaching a height of 5-150 cm. The leaves have a regular arrangement; in some species they are presented in the form of a rosette. Most bellflower species have paniculate flowers, and in more rare cases they are racemose; there are also plants with solitary inflorescences.


Basically perennial flowers bluebells can grow on any soil, however, even here they have their own preferences. It is recommended to plant them on well-treated soils that provide high-quality drainage, have a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction and are provided with the necessary nutrition. Typically, drainage channels or drainage pipes are installed to solve the drainage problem. This must be done, since stagnation of moisture in winter has an extremely negative effect on the plant, as there is a danger of root rotting and freezing. Areas where moisture accumulates after rain or during snow melt are unsuitable for growing garden bells.

When planting perennial bell flowers, you must keep in mind that the plant can grow well on them only with neutral and slightly alkaline soil reaction.

  • to plant bearded and cut-out bells, you will have to prepare an area where soil with a slightly acidic reaction should predominate;
  • mountain wild species of bells, whose natural habitat is limestone rocks, will feel better in slightly alkaline soils. Therefore, before you start planting a plant, you need to add a small amount of lime to the soil.


The bell genus includes many diverse species that differ not only in their habitat, but also in other features.

Bluebell Carpathian

This species is most often found on calcareous rocks and in the upper mountain belt of Europe. Among the morphological characteristics it is worth highlighting presence of fibrous whitish root. The plant forms many stems 20-40 cm high, usually having a straight, branched shape, thanks to which the bush acquires its characteristic spherical shape. Heart-shaped leaves are located on long petioles. The largest are the basal leaves, reaching a length of 5 cm; the leaves located on the stems are smaller.

The inflorescences grow solitary and are large, reaching a length and width of 3 cm. The characteristic color is blue. The flowering of this type of bell begins in June-early July, but already begins to fade in mid-September. Throughout the entire period, the flowers retain a bright, rich color. Between August and October, seeds begin to ripen and retain high germination rate (up to 90%). If collection is delayed, seeds can reproduce through self-sowing.

This view predominates in shady, mixed forests. The usual habitat is Europe, Western Siberia, North Africa. Many people know this plant as bellweed, hogweed, gooseneck, throat grass and lotion grass, which can be explained by its healing properties, since it helps with inflammation of the throat. You can make a salad from the leaves and roots of this bell, and the young leaves are used as an additive to cabbage soup.


The favorite habitats of this species are the limestone mountains of Europe. It grows in the form of a low-growing creeping perennial, which produces thread-like stems 10-18 cm high. Adult specimens often form a dense turf. The characteristic color of the leaves is light green. Bell flowers have a white and blue tint, grow drooping, not exceed 1 cm in diameter, are presented in the form of loose inflorescences. The flowering time begins in mid-June and continues until the end of August. Throughout the entire phase they demonstrate abundant flowering and fruiting. They reproduce easily by self-seeding. They do not lose their attractiveness until late autumn.

Campanula lactiflora

Most often, this plant can be found in the upper, forest and subalpine zones of the Caucasus and Asia Minor mountains. It is a tall plant, reaching a height of 60-100 cm, and has a large number of brushes that decorate the branched stem in the upper part.

The flowers are quite small and their diameter does not exceed 3 cm; they can have different colors within from milky white to purple color, presented in the form of wide pyramidal inflorescences, include up to 100 different shades. It begins to bloom in June-July, when many flowers open at the same time. Fruiting is also abundant in August, when many seeds begin to ripen.

This variety of bell is most abundant in the forests and forest edges of Europe, the Caucasus and Western Siberia. Before the growing season, they look like a rosette of basal leaves, from which by mid-summer a slender, strong stem 60 cm high grows. It is decorated with miniature linear-lanceolate leaves that are dark green in color. Clusters of blue or white flowers hang at the very top of the stem. The flower forms a corolla with a broad bell-shaped shape, reaches a width of 3-3.5 cm. There are garden species that are decorated with double flowers. The first flowers open in June and decorate the area until the end of summer.

After wilting, the shoots begin to bear fruits that look like capsules containing many seeds, which reach maturity in August-September. Some species are capable of reproduction by self-seeding. If necessary, you can prolong the flowering of this species and preserve its decorative properties. To do this, it is important to avoid the ripening of seeds, for which it is necessary to promptly remove faded flowers. To obtain seeds, it is recommended to leave individual tender specimens of the peach bell. The photo of the plant is almost no different from the original.

Pozharsky's bell

This member of the family most often lives on the calcareous rocks of Southern Europe and the Balkans. During the growing season forms a dense pillow 15-20 cm high, which consists of heart-shaped petioled leaves combined with a large number of peduncles. The characteristic shape of the inflorescences is broadly bell-shaped, almost star-shaped. The flowers of the Pozharsky bell have a light plum-blue color.


Bluebell is one of those ornamental plants that even beginning gardeners have heard of. This plant has inflorescences that do not stand out in any way, but this does not reduce interest in it. You can also grow bells in your summer cottage, but it is advisable to choose suitable place to plant it. Although this plant is undemanding to the soil, the presence of a fertile composition benefits the bellflower. It is very important to take care of the presence of high-quality drainage, since in swampy soil conditions this plant can easily die.

Garden bells are an absolutely inimitable family of touching perennial plants that never cease to charm gardeners with their modest simplicity and cheerful character. The bellflower has a huge number of both the largest and smallest species; they can easily decorate different corners of the garden from rock gardens and supporting walls to lush flower beds. Inimitable flowering is the main feature of all representatives of the genus. But even among the huge number of varieties and species, there are favorites. After all, not all bells combine hardiness and frost resistance with true abundance of flowers and ease of care.

Carpathian bluebell (Campanula carpatica). © Michael Steven

Let's take a closer look at the 3 best varieties of garden bells, different in character, but equally perfect.

Pozharsky's bell ( Campanula poscharskyana), variety ‘Silberregen’

This is the undisputed leader among modern hybrids of this species. For Campanula Pozharsky, the variety is truly unique, because it not only blooms tirelessly without the slightest stimulation in the form of pruning, from May to September, but is also distinguished by its amazing profusion of flowers. Its height is limited to 20 cm.

The unique sparkling silvery white of the charming small flowers is only enhanced by the fact that the plant's lush mats of dark greenery are literally hidden beneath the incredible number of blooms on this summer star. But the shape of the flower also deserves attention: thanks to the elongated, pointed lobes, each individual bell on the plant seems like a star, which only enhances the charm of the variety.

Pozharsky's bell, variety ‘Silberregen’. © AllgäuStauden

‘Silberregen’ is highly valued by both professionals and amateur gardeners around the world. This variety is rightfully considered one of the best abundantly flowering plants for decorating supporting walls, rockeries, rock gardens and gardens on a slope. And it is certainly the brightest white bell. For all its unearthly beauty, “Silberregen”, which looks like a scattering of silver, fully retains the advantages of its more modest brothers in terms of endurance, winter hardiness and durability.

Bellflower peach ( Campanula persicifolia), variety ‘Grandiflora Alba’

This snow-white bell is truly the leading variety of its species. It is distinguished by the perfect shape of its flowers, as if floating weightlessly on thin branched peduncles. The elegance and beauty of the lines of this perennial, whose height during flowering reaches 70 cm, and in favorable conditions even 1 m, is emphasized by a dark cushion of greenery at the base of the graceful shoots. The leaves are bright, graceful, with beautiful teeth along the edges.

The flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, exemplary in shape, pure white in color. They are collected in graceful brushes and charmingly droop. The variety continues to bloom throughout the summer, from the beginning of June to the end of August.

Bluebell peach leaf variety ‘Grandiflora Alba’. © sadevalja

The variety “Grandiflora Alba” is considered truly royal, because the pure snow-white color of its elegant flowers creates one of the strongest effects of inner radiance in the garden palette. The number and beauty of blooming flowers create a shining veil, airy and weightless, over the flowerbeds and flowerbeds.

It is one of the most profusely flowering plants for complex arrangements, creating bright, solid splashes of color in summer. All he needs for a bright parade is loose loam and bright lighting.

Bluebell Carpathian ( Campanula carpatica), variety ‘Blaue Clips’

Of course, the best variety of Carpathian bellflower in terms of abundance of color and purely practical characteristics. The modest height of the plant, never exceeding 25 cm, is fully compensated by surprisingly large graceful flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm with a beautiful transition from light to dark bright blue color. But even the size of the flowers cannot compete with their number: the green bell is almost invisible under the constantly blooming new flowers.

Their shape is charming: wide, cup-like, they sparkle with freshness and cheerful “eyes”. In addition, this variety blooms tirelessly from June to August, much longer than other Carpathian bells. The bell of this variety grows in the form of dense, compact hemispheres; the leaves are very bright, heart-shaped and pleasant to the touch.

Carpathian bluebell, variety ‘Blaue Clips’. © Ben Rushbrooke

One of the advantages of Blau Clips is its unpretentiousness. It will bloom profusely in both sun and partial shade and requires virtually no care. But the plant will be comfortable only on calcareous soils, which are loose and eliminate the risk of moisture stagnation.

The name “bell” (Campanula) unites a huge group of herbaceous plants of the Campanulaceae family, which includes more than 350 species, and most of them are often found in Russia. The culture can grow in forest and mountainous areas, on the banks of reservoirs and in the steppe. It is distributed throughout the European part of the continent, and flowers similar to bells can also be found in North America.

Garden and indoor flowers that look like bells can be biennial or perennial, depending on the species. Representatives of this group differ in stem height, petal shade and inflorescence diameter. Below are photos and names of the most common plants with characteristic bell-shaped flowers.

These perennial plants from the Campanaceae family are often called “big bells” because of their large flowers.

The culture can be recognized by whorled leaves of elliptical, lanceolate or oblong shape. The stems of adenophora are thick and the roots are radish-like. The inflorescences are paniculate or racemose, the petals are purple or blue.

In nature, there are about 6 dozen varieties of adenophora, most of which are excellent honey plants. They can grow in any soil and multiply quickly. The flowering period of this crop occurs in mid-July.

This herbaceous perennial has an impressive branched rhizome, making it difficult to transplant. Aquilegia stems reach a height of 50 to 80 cm, and at the base of the culture there is a dense rosette of dark green leaves with a waxy coating. Their length reaches 5 cm, and width - 2-3 cm.

The buds on this crop appear early and bloom in early June. It is noteworthy that each flower lives for about 6-8 days, then it fades and is replaced by another.

Depending on the variety, the color of the petals can be white, yellow, pink, purple, crimson, blue and dark purple. At the end of the flowering period, fruits with small black seeds are formed on the aquilegia. When properly stored, planting material remains viable for 1-2 years.

Attention! The seeds of this crop are extremely poisonous, so personal precautions should be taken when working with them.

This plant is often called "angel's trumpets". This is due to the fact that it grows incredibly quickly, and the flowers of this crop can increase by 3-4 cm in 24 hours, and if the growing conditions are more than favorable, then even by 6-7 cm.

Brugmansia is a large and lushly flowering tree-like shrub that reaches 5 m in height. Its flowers are incredibly attractive. These are huge bells, up to 20 cm in diameter and up to 50 cm in length.

The buds of the culture have a persistent characteristic aroma, which is especially intensified at night. The color of the petals can be pink, orange, peach, yellow, cream and even greenish.

Galanthus or snowdrop is a bulbous perennial from the Amaryllis family. The plant is distributed in Europe, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Asia Minor, Azerbaijan and the North Caucasus. In the wild, galanthus grow on forest edges, meadows and along river banks.

This crop with grayish-green leaves reaches a height of up to 10 cm, and fragile white flowers appear very early, in late February or early March.

At the end of the flowering period, a fruit is formed on the bush in the form of a large fleshy capsule, which contains spherical seeds.

For your information. In many areas, galanthus are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Hyacinthoides are bulbous perennials that belong to early flowering plants. There are other names: “Spanish scilla”, “Spanish endymion”, “Spanish scilla” and “wild hyacinth”.

This is an unpretentious crop that can often be found in flower beds and garden plots. The plant has basal leaves 20-30 cm long and a single peduncle reaching a height of up to 30 cm.

Hyacinth may have lilac, white, pink, blue or blue bell-shaped flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter. The crop blooms at the end of May or beginning of June, and this period lasts up to 20 days.

This name unites approximately 400 varieties of annual and perennial herbaceous plants. They are distributed on all continents of the planet, with the exception of Africa and Antarctica.

Gentian has strong stems, basal leaves collected in a rosette and a few single flowers. The length of the plant, depending on the variety, can reach from 20 to 150 cm.

The color of the petals is blue, blue, yellow or white. The flowering period occurs at different times, for some species it is spring, for others it is summer or autumn. When the flowers dry out and fall off, the fruit appears in the form of a single-cavity capsule, inside of which there are small seeds.

This plant from the nightshade family is considered very poisonous and has other names: “crazy grass”, “moon flower”, “drunk cucumber” and “henbane”. Sometimes people call it “datura grass.”

The height of this crop can reach 150 cm. Datura has a thick stem, huge leaves and a long white taproot.

The flowers of the plant are large and very fragrant. The color of the petals is most often white, but you can also find purple flowers that resemble a lily in shape.

The plant blooms in July, and this period lasts until the end of September. As a rule, Datura buds bloom only in the evening, and when they fade, a fruit is formed, which is a box of 4 sections, covered with small spines. It can contain up to 800 grains.

This heat-loving plant, originally from the tropics, has 9 varieties. However, among flower growers, only one subspecies is most popular, which is called “creeping kobeya” or “monastery bells”.

The culture is characterized by long stems, their dimensions reach 7 meters. They contain feathery leaves, and the tops of the branches are crowned with tenacious tendrils, through which kobeya can grow, clinging to any base.

The plant blooms with large bells up to 9 cm in size. They have a spicy musky aroma, and when wilting occurs, a leathery capsule containing small round seeds is formed in their place.

The name of this plant comes from the Greek words “codon” (“bell”) and “opsis” (“similar”) due to the special shape of the corolla with flowers.

This crop has a hard, fleshy root that has a round or elongated shape. The stems can be different; climbing ones are more common, but there are also erect ones. The leaves are arranged alternately, have an oval shape and vary in width, depending on the variety.

The flowers are solitary, drooping and bell-shaped, located at the top of the stem. They can be colored in different shades, from whitish-green to blue and have a very unattractive odor.

Flowers appear in June and fade in mid-August. After this, a fruit is formed on the plant - a box with elongated round seeds.

In nature, this plant is a perennial, but in temperate climates it is cultivated as an annual.

Lobelias are generally low-growing and highly branched, have densely leafy shoots and small flowers that abundantly cover the bush. The height of the crop ranges from 15 to 25 cm, and lobelias can be spherical or creeping.

The dimensions of the pointed leaves are 3-6 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide. The flowers are small, 1.5-2 cm in diameter, solitary, located on a short peduncle. The color of the petals is most often blue or blue, but you can find varieties with white, pink or purple flowers. There is also a two-color variety - blue with a white “eye”.

On a note. Lobelia can grow not only in flower beds, but also in pots as an indoor flower.

This is a biennial or perennial herbaceous plant from the Plantain family. Foxglove has a rigid, unbranched stem up to 1.5 m high and lanceolate leaves arranged alternately.

The flowers of this plant are irregular in shape and can be yellow, purple or reddish. They are collected in apical racemose inflorescences. The flowering period of foxglove occurs in June or August, after which the fruit appears in the form of a capsule with brown seeds.

Planting material remains viable for up to 3 years. When working with foxglove, precautions should be taken as it is highly poisonous.

Ostrovskya is a non-poisonous perennial, reaching 100-120 cm in height. It has large white bell-shaped flowers that appear as early as June.

This culture is actively used in landscape design. It prefers to grow on slurry or loamy soils with moderate humidity and normal acidity, and is best placed in the sun.

The peculiarity of Ostrovskaya is that it does not tolerate cold weather at all, and in winter it is better to move it into a container with soil and cover it indoors.

There are more than 10 varieties of this plant, most of which are actively used in landscape design. This culture attracts attention with the incredible beauty of its leaves and inflorescences.

Fritillaries belong to the bulbous plants of the Liliaceae family and have elongated leaves with a glossy surface, painted in an emerald green hue. In some varieties they are arranged in two rows.

Fritillary flowers are arranged in groups of 5-7 pieces. The color of the petals can be yellow, white, cream, pink, bright orange or red. Their size varies depending on the variety.

With regular moderate watering, the flowering period of hazel grouse lasts 40-50 days, while the first buds appear in mid-June.

There are about 10 species of this perennial crop, which are distributed in Northern Iran, the Mediterranean and the Caucasus. Symphiandra, despite its attractive appearance, is not very well known among gardeners and prefers rocky soil.

It can be recognized by its smooth stems, which bear a small amount of foliage. The flowers are large hanging bells, collected in spherical or paniculate inflorescences. The petals are usually white or blue.

Cyananthus are perennial herbaceous plants from the Campanula family. The culture is most widespread in the tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

There are about 10 species of this plant. It is a low bush up to 10 cm high with an underdeveloped root having a rod-like shape. The leaves of cyananthus are very small in size and densely arranged. The flowers are also small, light blue in color and appear in mid-summer.

Cyananthus is not capricious and can grow both in the sun and in the shade. When cultivating this plant, you need to know that waterlogging and stagnation of water are contraindicated. In addition, the crop does not tolerate cold well and should be removed indoors for the winter.

Broadbell or Platycodon

The second name of this culture comes from the Greek words “platys” (“wide”) and “kodon” (“bell”), which corresponds to the shape of the flowers. There is only one species of this plant, which has become widespread in regions such as Eastern Siberia, the Far East, northeastern China, Korea and Japan.

It is a perennial with fleshy rhizomes, reaching a height of up to 60 cm. The stems of the plant are straight and thin, with narrow, elongated leaves with fine-toothed edges densely located on them. Broadbell flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter and have white, blue or dark purple petals. They are collected in paniculate inflorescences and appear in mid-July.

At the end of the flowering period, a fruit is formed in the form of an egg-shaped capsule with flat and shiny seeds, of which there can be up to 800 pieces.

For normal development, the broad bell requires dry, loose soil enriched with nutrients. The culture prefers open sunny meadows, but can also grow in partial shade. The main thing is to avoid stagnation of water and waterlogging of the roots.

From this article you learned the names of common types of flowers that look like bells. But before you decorate your yard with any of the listed plant varieties, you should carefully study the rules for planting the chosen crop and the principles of caring for it.